- Choose high-school
- Leadership
- Attention by Talent Edges
- Talent by Edge
Over 65% todays Primary pupils will work in occupations that does not yet exist
Parent’ past experience will not help to navigate in fast-changing environment and future jobs
Browse 25 traditional and next-gen industries to pick best-fit occupation by Talent Quotient (TQ).
Does kid need kinder-garden? Which group size is best? Which sport to choose?
Solution depends on Emotional Quotient (EQ).
Evaluate Talent Quotient in leadership and self-awareness. Advise sports, comfortable leadership role.
Restlessness and inattentiveness are the result of the peculiarities of memory work.
Every kid needs an individual approach of work load scheduling.
We measure attention and memory for each area of talent and offer the optimal mode for the best results.
Did you choose job that you was really born for?
2/3 adults dream of another job
Measure and advise on occupation that will really fit your brain potential using 25 industries